Macy Slot Machine Manual
The Tropicana coin-operated Slot Machine by Universal Sales Co., Ltd. (circa ), and it's history and background, photos, repair help, manuals, for sale and wanted lists, and census survey is brought to you by The International Arcade Museum at the Museum of the Game. PACHISLO SLOT MACHINE PACHISLO SLOT SECRETS MANUAL Operations / Maintenance / Modifications / Troubleshooting. 2 Instructions OBJECT OF THE GAME: The object of the game is to line up winning symbols by stopping the spinning reels one-at-a-time. 1.0 Game Set-up and Preparation. MACY Electronic Coin Operated Slot Machine: Model A600-The Master Big Chance 15. Lighted Digital Display, Key Present. On Jun 20, 2010.

Sammy Slot Machine Manual

Macy Slot Machine Manual
Hello I found this machine at a local Goodwill in very bad shape, its been heavy used and looks beat up, the good thing is thats its all there and just needs a lot of TLC. The one problem it had was that the max bet button was jambing and was the cause of the unit not working properly. I am now doing a major cleaning, I removed the reel bank to replace some bulbs and now want to clean the inside of the reel strips, can anyone suggest the best way to clean them. And when I remove the wheels what precaution must be taken?
Thank you!